It was a short walk into town from the marina on a sunny Easter afternoon. But instead, Tom, another boater dropped us off in town on his way to run errands in the marina's courtesy car. We wandered around the town for a bit and then had an early dinner at the Front Street Grill and Rhum Bar. Then it was an early night, like usual.

The next day was rainy and windy. We were on the boat most of the morning, so Tony worked on laundry and Karen baked bagels and meatballs. We've nearly eaten everything in the freezer at this point, which is the goal in preparation for going home for a week. Later in the afternoon, we used a taxi service to get us into town for dinner at the Beaufort Kitchen. It was delicious!

We decided to stay over an extra night due to wind the next day. It was a sunny breezy day in Beaufort, and perfect for sightseeing. We started at the visitor's center where we found a community weaving project that Karen participated in. We went to the Beaufort Maritime Museum and learned about Blackbeard, the famous pirate. We went across the street to the wooden boat workshop to see (and smell) how wooden ships are made. We wandered around town to see some of the historical homes and listened to some audio stories about some of the people. We ate at a yummy Mexican restaurant along the waterfront. Then we took a tour boat over to Shackleford Island to hike, collect shells and try to find wild horses. We were successful on all accounts! We topped the perfect day off with ice cream when we got back to Beaufort! On the walk back to the boat, we ducked into the cemetery to listen to more audio about some of the residents from earlier days in Beaufort. Karen happened upon a couple viewing a baby owl in a tree and was able to get a picture and exchange a picture with the man and woman.

We were in bed early for an early start the next day!