We arrived at the Bobcaygen lock mid-morning on a Wednesday, to find the lower wall full of boats, and no where to tie up for the day and night. So we went through the lock and got lucky to find a boat leaving at the same time we were looking for a spot. Several Canadian boaters helped catch our lines and tie us up to the wall for the day. It was a super busy lock and wall that day. Someone liked it to a bee hive with boats coming and going and moving around all day, including Nice Goin, with Kathy and Ken on board. We tried to help them find a spot on the wall, which they eventually did later in the day. We spent the day exploring the town, including a walk to the Kawartha Dairy for a big dip of ice cream at lower prices than the ice cream parlor in town. I tried the Bordeaux cherry and Tony tried the lemon lime. Then we headed back to the boat to relax and eventually have dinner. We did not have electricity again that night.