We crossed the river from our anchorage and backed the boat into a slip for the next 10 days. We're spending the first 4 days doing some boat work, exploring the state park and the town of Rogersville. On Monday, the Looper Fall Rendezvous will commence. There will be 50+ boats in the marina, nearly all of them on a loop voyage like we're on, all at different stages of the journey. There will be organized sessions for learning and sharing. We've learned so much during virtual rendezvouses during COVID, and now we are so excited to gather in person, of course with full COVID precautions and protocols.

Thursday was golf at the golf course connected to the state park. It was a beautiful day! Friday is National Mushroom Day, so I joined the park ranger and a few locals for a mushroom hike! We only found one mushroom that's edible, a cluster of oyster mushrooms. Since we were in a State Park, we couldn't harvest them. On Saturday there was a session on falconry in the afternoon at the lodge. It was really amazing to see the birds and learn how they can be trained to trust their handler. Sunday included boat work - cleaning, reorganizing - and a happy hour with loopers.