We arrived in Kingston on a rainy Monday afternoon after a rainy passage through the last locks on the Rideau Canal. We promptly turned the air conditioning on to dry things out and then started laundry and showers. We cooked up some potatoes and chicken and took the dishes over to Lisbeth and Hubert's boat for dinner. Then of course, Tony and I walked for ice cream. On the way, we stopped at the grocery store and walked a few streets to understand what was available to do the next day.

The next day, Karen made bagels and her first attempt at banana bread. Both turned out great, despite running out of propane in the tank. No worries, Tony switched out the tank and we were back to baking! Then we left to explore the town. We walked to the Kingston Penitentiary for a tour. This prison was built in the mid 1800s and was in service until 2013. We learned about breakouts, a break-in, riots, way of life for inmates, movie making on the museum grounds, and so much more. We were part of a guided tour that featured retired prison guards and a social worker from the prison sharing their insights and stories.

In the afternoon we visited Fort Henry, built in 1832 to guard and protect Kingston, once the capital of Canada, and the newly built Rideau Canal, as well as the St. Lawrence River as Canada battled the United States for land. The fort staff performs reenactments from 1867 life in the fort. It's one of the most engaging forts we've visited on the trip.

We walked back to the center of town and met Lisbeth and Hubert for dinner at Wooden Head Pizza and then for ice cream. We also stopped into Bulk Barn for a look and selected a few treats to try from their very wide selection of bulk goods.