Danny set out for Vergennes in the car as we set out in the boat. Danny arrived first and told us that it looks like a postcard! He wasn't wrong! The public dock adjacent to the waterfalls at Otter Creek was beautiful! It was worth the 7 mile winding ride down the creek with the horseflies! Kathy road on the boat with us from Orwell and was a great first mate! She eagerly peered through the binoculars to see what was floating in the water or to find the green and red buoys. She enjoyed her travel treat, Combos. We tied up in Vergennes and set out to explore the town. We checked out the waterfall and ended up at Rockers pizza for a slice. We returned to the boat to rest while Kathy and Danny went off on a bike ride. When they returned, we prepare for grilling the venison hotdogs and burgers that Kathy and Danny brought with them. We greeted a family from Maine on a houseboat and found out that they were members of the AGLCA and planners. We enjoyed a picnic dinner at the park next to the public dock and then made it an early night.

The next morning, we work up early, headed out on foot to get a cup of coffee and breakfast and use the bathroom before heading out for the day.