We moved the short distance from Kirkfield to Thorah early that morning. We'd be spending another night without electricity on the lock wall. Sojourn was tied up with us and Dove was at the top of the lock due to lack of space below with us. Tony and I took a walk along the trail beside the lock wall among the jiggers and wildflowers. It was a warm day. We also stopped to help the lock attendants open and close the lock doors and release water out of the lock. I turned the cranks while Volare locked through. They didn't stop, but instead kept going with hopes of getting across Lake Semcoe that day.

Later that day, Jack and Vickie's friends on GoGo arrived, also remaining at the top of the lock due to space. We all gathered at 5:30 for fellowship and dinner. Tony grilled hotdogs and hamburgers on our grill and everyone brought a dish to the picnic table to share. It was a lovely meal and time to get to know new loopers.