This place, Croton-on-Hudson, is magically beautiful. Rolling hills along the river with the soft accent of a train whistle in the distance. I'm anticipating that much of the Hudson will be like this. We enjoyed the Greek restaurant, Bagels on Hudson, and time spent with other Loopers - Compass Rose, Tricia Ann, and Currently.

Tricia Ann hosted us on their boat as someone changed out the bench seats in our cockpit in the rain.

Sunday night we missed docktails and a Looper group dinner at the local Greek restaurant in Croton-on-Hudson because we wanted to get back to the boat earlier to see our niece graduate from high school via Zoom. What happens when you're not around when a group of Loopers are drinking cocktails? You might become the subject of a perpetual prank! We found this waiting for us in our cockpit when we got home! What a lovely surprise, but where does one put such a lovely LARGE centerpiece on a 27' Ranger Tug? We found a note that read - "Hello! This is a perpetual prank that is only to be passed onto another Looper! Place your card (or note) with your boat name inside, take a picture, post on the AGLCA Loopers forum and pay it forward!! Please keep this going! ❤ Compass Rose" (Captain Michael Murray & Best Mate Teresa Murray). Well, here it is! And I've already paid it forward! Cheers, Loopers! ❤ The Crew of Long Recess

The next day, we enjoyed time on our boat with Currently and Compass Rose. In the afternoon, Bruce helped Tony flush out the freshwater line to the toilet (that had gotten clogged with salt water) and change out the bilge pump. Compass Rose joined us all later in the day for pizza dinner on the boat. We were headed out the next day for a three week break and European trip, Le Boat and the Camino Walk in Portugal and Spain.