We finished up the Trent Severn yesterday by leaving Orillia early in the morning and traveling through the last three locks, one being the famous Big Chute Railroad Marine lock. It carried us and our boat over land and dropped us into the water on the other side of that land. It was a bumpy quick ride. And pretty amazing! We had two other locks that day to round out our 44 locks on the Trent and 29 locks on the Rideau Canal.

We cruised a few miles into Georgian Bay on Lake Ontario to reach Midland. We found Charmed, Smile with the Rising Sun and New Beginnings at the Midland Harbour where we tied up for the night. We stayed another day to get some technology issues worked out and rest. In addition, the gloomy weather and forecasts of possible strong winds kept us at the dock. Midland was a nice town with painted murals on the sides of many buildings. The public library was the perfect place to rest and get some technology issues taken care of. In the late afternoon we walked to the Boathouse Restaurant beside the marina for drinks with other loopers from Smile with the Rising Sun, Charmed and New Beginnings. Third Swan arrived in the marina earlier in the day.

It continued to rain and be overcast into the evening, overnight as well as the next morning.